Typeface Classifications
Poster 90 x 1,60 cm
Typeface Classifications are a real confusing thing. Almost every font shop has
it’s own and overall there are general classification systems like VOX A-TypI or the
german DIN 16518 and with different terms they often describe the same font family.
This mapping should give you an overview over the main classifications and it should
help you to understand the similarities.
Im Rahmen der Abschlussarbeit an der Freien Universität Bozen
Erstbetreuer: Kris Krois
Zweitbetreuer: Riccardo Olocco

Vectorgraphics e.U.
Johann-Konrad-Vogel-Straße 8
4020 Linz
Firmenbuchnummer: 446158s
Gerichtsstand: Linz
Vectorgraphics e.U.
Johann-Konrad-Vogel-Straße 8
4020 Linz
Firmenbuchnummer: 446158s
Gerichtsstand: Linz